Sunday, May 30, 2010

Water Experience- What Hamilton has to offer

One of the most talked about and recognisable features in Hamilton, has to be the Waikato River. I have noticed that the river has an affiliation to many of the other attractions in Hamilton whether it being a sight/view from the museum or the dividing of the Hamilton Gardens. This river is iconic not just as an image representing Hamilton and Waikato but also events like rowing and the business of River cruise. Used by any ages, the river holds strong as part of the local’s identity and way to be distinguished from other landmarks. It has been noted to me that attractions, such as Hamilton Lake and Karapiro, are appropriate for all ages as they are fitted with picnic areas for families and playgrounds for children entertainment.

As one of the backpackers is a keen surfer, we decided to take a road trip to Raglan. Once we arrived, we saw a glimpse of the sea in panoramic views. Driving through the township, it became recognisable that Raglan was targeted towards young-middle aged people. It was brought to my attention that Raglan is a hot-spot for surfing and brings in many surfing, kombi driving people which has an impact on shops and street design. My experience in Hamilton was to try and identify if age makes a difference on a tourism experience and location. Raglan is a perfect example for my research as age has impacted on this location, while dictating the experience of others through the image of youth and surfing.

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