Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day One-In Airport

Hello everyone, I am stuck in the London Airport waiting for the ash to settle so I can embark on my journey to Waikato, New Zealand. I have heard so many good things about the country but until I land it’s all hear say. This is my first entry to my blog so thought I would introduce myself. My name is Hazel Tucker and my aim for this blog is to travel the Waikato area relating to the identity of age. I will be drawing on my readings "Performing a Young People’s Packaged Tour of New Zealand" and "Narratives of place and self". By doing this I hope to develop a relationship between the youth of Waikato by visiting places such as local nightclubs and Hamilton Gardens. Hamilton is not well known for being a tourism hotspot, so I hope that by visiting these attractions I can demonstrate the difference a tourist’s age makes on their tourism experience.

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